Previous Exhibits
Terri Nickerson and Steve Schroeder
Things with Wings
Terri Nickerson Artist's Statement
From the time I was a young child, when my great-aunt showed me how she trained her chickadees and nuthatches to eat from her hand, I’ve been fascinated by birds. That experience led to learning about other backyard birds, and ultimately to my becoming an avid birder. As I studied their behavior, I wanted to capture images of the birds I was seeing.
As I have traveled the world, I’ve been inspired by its beauty, and am happiest when I’m exploring nature. My intent is for each image to begin with careful observation, thought and then execution. I want the viewer to feel what I felt when I composed the image. It might be the behavior of a bird or other animal that attracts my attention, or the beauty of a place or person. I hope that you enjoy my images.
Terri Nickerson Bio
Terri Nickerson grew up on the North Shore of Massachusetts. Both of her parents were talented amateur photographers, and they nurtured her interest in photography. During her early years, she often carried a camera, but mainly just took snapshots to preserve memories. After a long career in the business world, she retired and began taking photography courses and workshops.
Now Terri’s love of nature and travel provide inspiration for her photography.
Her work has been accepted into numerous juried shows in the Boston, South Shore and Cape Cod areas, and in Yankee Magazine. She is a member of the Duxbury Art Association and the Duxbury Camera Club, where she serves as leader of the Nature Photography Focus Group.
Instagram: @tbnick
Steve Schroeder Artist's Statement
Before digital photography, I took pictures mainly to document the milestones of life. The digital revolution changed that. It fit my technical aptitude while giving me the opportunity to develop an artistic side. I became more aware of light, pattern and composition. I began to view my surroundings as potential photographs. I was drawn to nature photography by my love of the outdoors and by a childhood filled with the paintings of my father, an artist who captured the beauty of the coastal world.
“Things with Wings” reflects some of my favorite subjects – birds and bugs. They are part of an environment full of amazing color, detail and variety. Photographing them presents interesting challenges in fieldcraft and photographic technique. Plus, each outing brings its own enjoyment of the outdoors, independent of the photography. With apologies to Mark Twain, “Nature photography is a good walk made better.”
Steve Schroeder Bio
Steve Schroeder has been an active member of the Duxbury Camera Club for many years. He has served as president and was instrumental in creating and managing the Club’s popular program of focus groups. He is an experienced and enthusiastic nature photographer who shares his work mainly in the Club’s shows and at the annual Fine Art of Photography exhibit at the Plymouth Center for the Arts. He works with the Duxbury Senior Center on photography exhibits and educational programs.
Steve grew up in the small town of Lewes, Delaware bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Delaware Bay. He spent much of his time outside, exploring and playing games in a wonderful world of beaches, fields and marshes. Steve developed his love of photography later in life, toward the end of a career that included a few years of engineering and many years of environmental law. He moved to Duxbury with his wife Mary and three children in 2005 and joined the Camera Club shortly after that. He lives next to Bay Farm Field and can often be found roaming there with his camera and their Golden Retriever Emmy.
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- March - April 2024: Elizabeth Slayton
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- September - October 2023: Duxbury Camera Club
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