March - April 2025: Duxbury Rug Hookers
Duxbury Rug Hookers
On the Wall and Underfoot
valentine blackwalnutredux
curran bookgroup
curran olga socean
devos puzzlepieces
homola crow and pumpkin
homola untitled
rothschild thepre columbians
rothschild tooldofthetrade
smith adaptationof monet smarineview sunset
sybertz antiquehalfplate
sybertz neutralfossils
thayer freestyle
thayer maureen smotif
thomas dexter
thomas wishing
valentine gail splaid
chastanet peace on earth
martin max
moakler beach roses
moakler southport basket
moran oceanblue
rothschild shakerbedsatacm
fred the martin snallycaster of frederick md
smith shiningtupli
circle of friends
dunleavy first rug
luongo santa moon
Black Walnut Redux • Valentine
Book Group • Curran
Olga's Ocean • Curran
Puzzle Pieces • Devos
Crow and Pumpkin • Homola
Untitled • Homola
The Pre-Columbians • Rothschild
Tools of the Trade • Rothschild
Adaptation of Monet's Marine View Sunset • Smith
Antique Half Plate • Sybertz
Neutral Fossils • Sybertz
Freestyle • Thayer
Maureen's Motif • Thayer
Dexter • Thomas
Wishing • Thomas
Gail's Plaid • Valentine
Peace on Earth • Chatsanet
Max • Hohorst Martin
Beach Roses • Moakler
Southport Basket • Moakler
Ocean Blue • Moran
Shaker Beds at the Art Complex Museum • Rothschild
Fred the Snallygaster of Frederick, MD • Hohorst Martin
Shining Tulip • Smith
Circle of Friends • Group
First Rug • Dunleavy
Santa Moon • Luongo
About the Duxbury Rug Hookers
It’s been almost 25 years since a few women first got together in Duxbury to share their mutual passion for the art of rug-hooking and to foster the type of fellowship integral to this folk tradition born of frugality. They hooked in various styles using new and recycled wool fabric, along with chemical or vegetable dyes to create both bright and muted colors in their rugs.
Front row (l-r): Maddie Thomas, Lanci Valentine, Marci Chastanet, Jeana Homola, Gretchen Moran
Back row (l-r): Judy Moakler, Carol Smith, Mary Curran, Maureen Thayer, Laurie Sybertz, Nancy Hohorst Martin, Ann Dunleavy
Not pictured: Helene DeVos, Olga Rothschild, and Maggie LuongoAt first, the handful of women met weekly in the Duxbury home of Olga Rothschild, a nationally renowned artist whose rugs have been featured in museums, books and periodicals. In 2013, Olga received Duxbury’s “Speak for Yourself Award” for her role in establishing Duxbury Rug Hookers while nurturing an increasing cadre of local rug hooking enthusiasts.
Once more than twenty hookers from Duxbury and beyond had joined the group, it was time to look for a larger meeting space where they could practice their art, learn from each other, and continue to build camaraderie.
Fortunately, the historic Alden Homestead in Duxbury offered its barn as a new home for the group’s weekly sessions and occasional exhibits. In gratitude, Duxbury Rug Hookers launched its now annual practice of creating a group rug for affiliated local nonprofits to use as a fundraising vehicle.
Nowadays, Duxbury Rug Hookers meet every Tuesday morning at Duxbury Senior Center where all are welcome to experience the joys and challenges of rug hooking.
Active Members of the Duxbury Rug Hookers
Marcia Chastanet, Plymouth
Mary Curran, Marshfield
Helene DeVos, Brant Rock
Ann Dunleavy, Duxbury
Jeana Homola, Pembroke
Maggie Luongo, Plymouth
Nancy Hohorst Martin, Duxbury
Judy Moakler, Plymouth
Gretchen Moran, Plymouth
Olga Rothschild, Kingston
Carol Smith, Hanson
Laurie Sybertz, Kingston
Maureen Thayer, Halifax
Maddie Thomas, Hanover
Lanci Valentine, Duxbury