
The Helen Bumpus Gallery was founded in 1968 with a gift from Helen McBurnie Bumpus, who was born in 1891 and died at the age of 92 in 1983 in Duxbury. Her gift to the town established an art gallery in the rotunda of the original 1909 building that housed the Duxbury Free Library. The Helen Bumpus Gallery is now located on the main floor of Duxbury Free Library.
The Helen Bumpus Gallery's Board of Directors reviews artists' portfolios and organizes a number of exhibitions throughout the year. Over the years a wide range of media have been represented, from traditional watercolors to rug hooking. The Helen Bumpus Gallery has focused primarily, although not exclusively, on the work of local and regional artists in accordance with the wishes of Helen Bumpus to encourage the development of art in the community.
Support of Young Artists
The Gallery also aims to assist younger artists with periodic exhibits showcasing the work of students and those in the first stages of their professional careers. Each year a scholarship is given to a senior from Duxbury High School who plans to engage in continuing education in the arts.
Collaborative Endeavors
The Helen Bumpus Gallery is active in the local arts community. Many of our artists have exhibited with Art Complex Museum, Duxbury Art Association, Griffin Museum of Photography, North River Arts Society, Scituate Arts Association and South Shore Art Center, among others.