Duxbury Clipper - Janaury 15, 2025
The Helen Bumpus Gallery at the Duxbury Free Library hosted a reception on Friday for its latest exhibit, “Things that Fly,” featuring then photographs of local nature and bird photographers, Terri Nickerson and Stephen Schroeder. The show runs through February. (photos by Karen Wong)

- Duxbury Camera Club member Jim Gosnell and Bumpus Gallery Board member and photographer Joan Collins discuss one of the images on exhibit.

WINGING IT. Photographer Steve Schroeder next to his photo of a snowy owl, on display at the Helen Bumpus Gallery. Schroeder describes himself as “a bird photographer not a birder.” He loves nature and outdoor photography

- Featured artists Terri Nickerson and Stephen Schroeder in the Helen Bumpus Gallery.

- Marilyn Hartney studies a photo. She said the show is “fabulous.”

- Terri Nickerson by her photograph of a great gray owl camouflaged in a tree in Grand Tetons National Park. She said she was lucky to see this owl. Nickerson said she was a birder years before she became a serious photographer.

- Photographer Terri Nickerson was greeted enthusiastically by her friends, Linda Limperis and Karen Schnabel.

- Karen Bazley had refreshments and conversation with Bumpus Gallery Board member David Murphy.

- Fred O’Neill and Bob Wydro talk about a photo of a brightly colored hummingbird in flight.

- The intimate Helen Bumpus Gallery was filled with bird and photography enthusiasts at Friday’s show opening.

- Dave Burke, a Wetland Consultant from Berlin, Massachusetts, shared bird facts with Stephen Schroeder and Bill O’Neill.