Wilson L. Hunt's exhibition was shown at the Gallery in May and June of 2011.


Biography of the Artist

My serious interest in art started in college at Harvard.  I audited a fine arts survey course and loved it.  I enrolled in a course in 20th Century art and loved it as well, and did quite well. This course prompted me to try studio arts, which I found difficult at first, but definitely exciting.

I continued to take art courses at Syracuse University and Harvard and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. In the 70’s I painted full time for two years and was selling some work. I was married at the time and felt that I needed to be more of a breadwinner, so I returned to human services work.

I am back now painting with what I might say is a vengeance. After having been a painter for roughly twenty years, I am now enjoying the process of continuing to grow as an artist.  I have had work shown in many juried and members shows at local arts associations in Cambridge, Lynn, Marblehead, Cohasset and Duxbury.  I am now a member of Galatea Fine Arts and have exhibited work in my first gallery show.

I try with my work to paint intuitively, usually without interruptions until the work is finished. I work wet on paper using acrylics gouache.

My work, to me has an organic look, which comes from an appreciation of the sometimes chaotic beauty of nature. Listening to jazz in my life has allowed my work to mirror the improvisation in jazz. Repeated colors offer a way to produce counterpoint and a build up a structure on the page.   I am enamored by color and find it is extremely important in my work.

I hope my viewers have as much interest and visual joy in the work as I do in its creation and viewing.