The Paul Mogan Exhibition will be shown at the Gallery April 28th through June 25th, 2015. 

Paul Mogan Exhibition - MacMillan Wharf

Paul Mogan - Macmillan Wharf

The Paul Mogan Exhibition will be shown at the Gallery April 28th through June 25th, 2015.

Paul Mogan

“Paint what you like” was the best bit of advice Paul Mogan got when first working in watercolor fine art.  His lifelong affinity for anything maritime and in particular the New England Coastal scene is a common thread in his work today.

He is a longtime mariner who holds an active USCG Captain’s License.

He doodled early in life at the DeCordova Museum and later studied design and sculpture at Washington University and the University of  Wisconsin.

A lengthy career directing commercial artists in the creation of advertising, sales and marketing campaigns saw him balancing the ying & yang of fine art vs. commercial communication.

Mogan sought out internationally acclaimed coaches early in his transition to a watercolor fine art career.  Workshops with Thomas Schaller, Joseph Zbukvic, Andy Evansen and several local experts guided and continue to influence his work.  He is dedicated to life long learning and self improvement, as an active member of  painting groups and workshops.

His maritime scene paintings have garnered several awards and been juried into many shows including The New England Watercolor Society Regional & National Open Shows.  His work has been collected by both individuals and corporations. Mogan’s maritime watercolors move viewers immediately with room to assimilate details as their own interpretation of the subject.