Photographer Kathy Dixon will be showing her exhibit:  Global Visions: Portraits from Near and Far at the gallery in May & June, 2018.

Kathy has enjoyed taking pictures for her entire adult life. She became interested in photography in the 1970s, when she acquired her first SLR camera.  For several years while her children were students at Duxbury’s Alden Elementary School she served as PTA liaison with the Duxbury Clipper, photographing the children in black & white, developing the film in a darkroom in the basement of the Alden School, and submitting photos to the Clipper for publication.

By the 1990s, Kathy had become more serious about photography.  She began attending many photography workshops to hone her skills.  Over the years, she has attended Cape Cod Photography Workshop, Alison Shaw Photography Workshop, New England Photo Workshops, and Maine Media Workshops.   She has studied with noted photographers such as Harvey Stein, David Middleton, Joe Baraban, Alison Shaw, and Sam Abel. In May of 2016 Kathy traveled to Havana, Cuba for a week with National Geographic Photography Expeditions, led by well-known National Geographic photographer, Eddie Soloway.

Over the past twenty years, Kathy has entered her work in various art shows and exhibits, and has had her work accepted to juried shows. Her photographs have received awards in shows at the Duxbury Art Association Winter Juried Show and Midsummer Art Show, The Cape Cod Art Association National Show, Plymouth Art Guild Fine Art of Photography Show, and the North River Arts Society Festival of the Arts.  

With fellow photographer Joan Collins, Kathy co-founded the Duxbury Camera Club in 2009 and served as its Secretary Treasurer for the first several years.  She continued to remain on the board of that organization until 2015. Kathy agreed to serve as the official photographer for the South Shore Conservatory’s Duxbury Music Festival when it came to Duxbury for the first time in 2005, and remained in that volunteer position through its 10th anniversary summer in 2015.  She continues to serve the DMF in an advisory capacity.

Collections of Kathy’s photographs have been shown in the Snug Harbor Gallery in Duxbury, the Anne Henning Photography Gallery on two occasions, as well as at the Ellison Center for the Arts in Duxbury, where her “Cuba” images were featured and where some of her Duxbury Music Festival photographs hang permanently.  

Kathy enjoys photographing a myriad of different subjects - landscapes, nature, still life, etc.  But she finds herself drawn primarily to people and their surroundings. As a corollary, Kathy also finds herself attracted to the spaces that human beings have created for themselves – their homes, work places, gathering places, villages or cities.  Light, and the way it falls on her subjects, is important to her, whether it be from a natural or an artificial source.

Kathy says, “Through my photography, I try to convey a mood or feeling that connects me and my viewers to my subjects.  My favorite images are the ones that moved me in some way when I made them, and that continue to resonate with me each time I look at them.  If those who view my work feel the same way, so much the better.”