Kate Themel - Take A Closer Look

Artist Kate Themel will be presenting Take a Closer Look in fabric collage at the gallery in September and October.

Kate Themel - Take A Closer Look

Artist Kate Themel will be presenting Take a Closer Look in fabric collage at the gallery in September and October.

Kate Themel is an award-winning artist and teacher living in Cheshire, Connecticut. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art in 1992 and began using fabric as an artistic medium in 1996.  Over the years, Kate has developed a distinct painterly style in her work.  Her collage compositions are constructed with cut and layered pieces of fabric, then quilted using hand-guided machine stitching.

Kate Themel has created custom fiber art for individuals, hospitals and corporate clients and her unique fiber pieces have been exhibited in art galleries and museums from Boston to Botswana. Her quilted compositions have been juried into international exhibitions such as Art Quilt Elements, Kagoshima Quilt Show in Japan and Quilt National where Kate’s work earned the People’s Choice Award.  Kate Themel’s work is on permanent display at the Yale Pediatric Specialty Center in New Haven and at the Afro-American Cultural Center at Yale University.

Kate is a juried member of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) and Connecticut Women Artists (CWA).

