The Joan Collins Exhibition, Natural Exuberance; Land and Seascapes of New Zealand and Hawaii, will be shown at the Gallery June 30th through August 28th, 2015. 

Joan Collins

Joan Collins -  Land and Seascapes of New Zealand and Hawaii

The Joan Collins Exhibition, Natural Exuberance; Land and Seascapes of New Zealand and Hawaii, will be shown at the Gallery June 30th through August 28th, 2015 


Joan Collins

Artist Statement

My photographs reveal the intoxicating power of Nature. They convey both the intimacy of fern-carpeted forests and the extraordinary grandeur of sprawling seascapes. Smell pungent wood along a forest trail, hear the sea crash against primeval cliffs, and see the universe in a single wavelet. 

I love Nature's rich textures and diverse palette: from a wave's gossamer white spume to the translucent aqua of a vast ocean, from rugged earthy lava and thick emerald leaves to opalescent sand along a delicate shore. Nothing can compete with Nature's gusto and raw beauty. And nothing on earth so clearly exhibits that we are at once inconsequential and eternal. 


Joan Collins is a seasoned photographer with numerous juried show acceptances, awards and invitational exhibits to her credit. Images from her recent body of work, Art of the Sea, have won Honorable Mention from the International Photography Awards (IPA), the Director’s Award from the Cape Cod Art Association, where she is a juried artist, and other honors. Her current project is titled Natural Exuberance.

Joan lives most of the year on the coast of Massachusetts, overlooking wild salt marshes, a tidal basin and the open sea beyond. She winters on the south shore of Kauai in Hawaii where waves crash ashore almost at her doorstep. Her passion for the natural world and her intimate relationship with the sea grew out of this close proximity. She is also an avid sailor who has raced offshore for more than forty years, from Block Island, RI to Maine, and she previously raced all winter with the Frostbite Society. Her knowledge of wave action, sea states and marine light enables her to capture the sea in its many moods. After a career in public relations and high tech Joan has come home to her true passion – photography. Her current project is capturing the light and color of ocean waves and dramatic sea- and landscapes around the world.