The Jack Haran exhibit will shown at the Gallery September through October. Join us for a reception at the Gallery on Saturday, September 29th, 2012, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.

Time To Relax Jack Haran

The Jack Haran exhibit will shown at the Gallery September through October.  Join us for a reception at the Gallery on Saturday, September 29th, 2012, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.

Jack Haran

Watercolor artist Jack Haran is the current president of the New England Watercolor Society (NEWS) and past President of North River Arts Society (NRAS).  He earned a BS in Fine Arts from Northeastern University.  He has studied with Tony Van Hasselt and Judi Wagner, Zygmond Jankowski, John Kilroy, Alvaro Castagnet and Joseph Zbukvic.

Jack has exhibited in a number of solo, group and juried shows over the last 18 years.  These shows have included local, regional, national and international exhibits.  His most prestigious award is the Di Di Deglin Award at the 145th American Watercolor Society Show.  The painting was also selected for the AWS 2012 – 2013 traveling show.  He has received the bronze medal in New England Watercolor Society members show, North River Arts’ A. A. Willis Drawing Award (twice), Phyllis Howard Memorial Watercolor Award and a number of honorable mentions, a Juror’s Commendation at Duxbury Art Association’s Annual Juried Show, and honorable mentions in Rhode Island Watercolor Society’s National Juried Show (twice), Members Show and the All Media Show.

Jack has coordinated watercolor workshops with international artists, ie. Joseph Zbukvic, Alvaro Castagnet, John Salminen, Don Andrews, Frank Web, he has also taught watercolor classes. 

Jack is a member of NEWS, NRAS, Rhode Island Watercolor Society, Cape Cod Art Association, South Shore Art Center, and the American Watercolor Society – associate Member.  His work is part of collections at Georgetown University, Italy, and Cultural Museum in Colonia de Sacramento, Uruguay as well as private collections.