The David Grossman exhibit “South Shore and Beyond” will be shown at the Gallery January through February 2013. Join us for a reception on January 26, 2013 from 2pm - 4pm at the Gallery.

David Grossman at Helen Bumpus Gallery

David Grossman

The David Grossman exhibit “South Shore and Beyond” will be shown at the Gallery January through February 2013. Join us for a reception January 26, 2013 from 2pm - 4pm at the Gallery.

David Grossman

Harry Garfield, a noted photographer and close friend of David’s grandfather, first sparked David’s interest in photography.  “Harry was legally blind—he couldn’t even drive a car—but somehow he managed to make these incredible pictures that left me spellbound.”  This influence led David to realize that great art is more about what you see in your head than through your eyes or with the use of technology. 

During his career as an IBM Distinguished Engineer, David led the development and deployment of software prototypes to demonstrate the potential of using Internet technologies in new and emerging applications.  Today, as a professional photographer, David still relies on this innate ability—to look at something that may seem at first glance common or unapparent and expose a new world of possibilities—in creating his art.  All of his photography captures, without any manipulation of the scene, what is in front of his camera.  

He communicates a unique perspective by blending the photographic medium with his own dynamic visualizations to expose fleeting, yet familiar moments.  David’s vibrant landscapes, action and water scenes reflect his own childhood experiences with sailing, water sports and outdoor adventures in California, Canada and Long Island Sound.  

David resides in Duxbury, Massachusetts