Helen Bumpus Gallery 2024 Scholarship Award


Sienna charcoal

sianna garden

For as long as I can remember, people have called me a creative soul. Ever since I was very young,  I have had a great interest in art and creating -- I enjoyed trying new things and especially loved painting. Christmas was always filled with new art supplies, including canvases, clay, beads, sewing machines, and fabric. I took sewing and baking classes, painted pictures for people on their birthdays, and loved to decorate cakes.

At Duxbury High School, art class was the favorite part of my day -- I would go to the art room during free periods, and sometimes lunches if I had a deadline. During Intro, Advanced, and AP art classes, I tried different things that helped me grow as an artist – I know creating art is something I will always love doing.

My Advanced Placement Art concentration was about noticing little things and >inding beauty in day-to-day life. Every day isn't just about the big stuff -- it's made up of connections, feelings, people, places, nature. My goal is to portray how I see the world, and the beauty in it.

Scholarship Winners

Note:  No scholarships awarded 2017 thru 2020.