A member of the Helen Bumpus Gallery Board of Directors will be assigned to each accepted artist to coordinate arrangements for their exhibit.
The Gallery will produce promotional bookmarks and distribute them throughout the region, along with other local publicity.
Each artist will receive 50 bookmarks for personal use.
In addition, the Gallery’s website (www.helenbumpusgallery.com) will feature samples of artwork from the show and information about the exhibiting artist.
At least FOUR MONTHS PRIOR to the show’s installation, each artist must supply the following to the exhibit coordinator for use on the website:
- Title of the exhibit
- Artist statement
- Artist bio/CV
- 6-8 digital exhibit images [high-res jpgs, 1200-1600 pixels wide].
DAY of INSTALLATION: 10:15 am at the Gallery
Exhibits are generally installed/dismantled on or near the last day of a two-month period.
All delivered artwork must arrive:
- Framed securely and in good condition
- Wired
- Ready to hang. [Due to weight limitations of the current hanging system, artists must alert the coordinator if any piece is unusually large or heavy.]
Upon delivery, the artist must provide written information about each piece of art:
- Title
- Price
- Medium
A price list printed on Helen Bumpus Gallery stationery will be displayed near the entrance to the Gallery, along with a circulating copy placed on the guestbook table. Due to space limitations, other printed materials will not be displayed.
PLEASE NOTE: While we value each artist’s opinion, the layout of the exhibit is determined solely by the Gallery’s installers.
DAY of DISMANTLE: 10:00 am at the Gallery
On the day the exhibit is dismantled, all artwork must be taken from the gallery by the artist or by their designated agent at 10:00 am.
If the artist will not be able to pick up their work at the scheduled date and time, at least TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE DISMANTLE DATE, they must make arrangements to have someone else remove their artwork and send that person’s name and contact information to the exhibit coordinator.
The Gallery Director will make copies of items from the display board and guestbook for the artist once the show is dismantled.
Artwork on display will be covered under the Helen Bumpus Gallery’s insurance policy beginning 10:15am the day the exhibit is installed and ending at noon the day it’s dismantled. No artwork can be left at the library following dismantle.
A signature by the exhibit’s artist or designated person is required to release the Helen Bumpus Gallery from any and all responsibility for the artist’s artwork and to assure that all artwork has been returned to the artist.
Artists receive 60% from sales generated by their exhibit; the Gallery receives 40%.