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Helen Bumpus Gallery
Donor List 2023-2024

The Board of Directors is most grateful to our 
generous donors for their financial support

Susan M. Barry

Patricia Bossange

Allen and Laura Carleton

Joan Collins

Martha and Wayne Dennison

Duxbury Cultural Council
Supported by Mass Cultural Council

Stephanie and Patrick Gagnon

Virginia Holloway

Ann Hughes

Shirley M. Jenkins

Ruth and Soren Jensen

Mary Ellen and Peter Lawrence

Patricia and Richard Loring

Carolyn and Carl Meier

Diane and Jay Monaghan

Judith and Robert Montminy

Holly and Jim Morris

Mary and Merle Ott

Donna Petrangelo

Georgia Pye

Nancy Riegel

Donna Rossetti-Bailey

Janet Schwartz

Lanci and Page Valentine

Charles Weyerhaeuser